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20 Jan - 25 Mar 23:59
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이벤트 시작 01 Apr

Sörmlandsträffen and Swedish open for veterans (MSWOP) + Development camp

"Sörmlandsträffen" - Judo competition in Sweden since 1977. MSWOP - Swedish Judo Open for veterans.

Date and place

Saturday 1 April 2023
Start: 09.30
Categories: U15, U18, U21, senior and veterans
Location: Medley Ramdalen sports center, Oxelösund

Development Camp with Jane Bridge
Sunday, April 2
09.30-11.30 Tachi waza
13.00-14.30 Ne waxa
Target group: U15 and U18
Location: Medley Ramdalen sports center, Oxelösund

Categories and weight classes

The national team's development competition is merged with the "Sörmlandsträffen". The veteran competition M-SWOP (Swedish open for veterans) is also organized the same weekend.

Girls U15 13-14 years (2009-2010)
-36 kg, -40 kg, -44 kg, -48 kg, -52 kg, -57 kg, -63 kg, +63 kg
Match time: 3 minutes, no arm and neck locks allowed. Final year U13 may compete in U15 in accordance with TB

Boys U15 13-14 years (2009-2010)
-38kg, -42 kg, -46 kg, -50 kg, -55 kg, -60 kg, -66 kg, -73 kg, +73 kg
Match time: 3 minutes, arm- and neck locks not allowed. Last year's U13 may compete in U15 in accordance with TB

Girls U18 Cadets 15-17 years (2006-2008)
-40kg, -44kg, -48kg, -52kg, -57kg, -63kg, -70kg, +70kg
Match time: 4 minutes.

Boys U18 Cadets 15-17 years (2006-2008)
-46kg, -50kg, -55kg, -60kg, -66kg, -73kg, -81kg, -90kg, +90kg
Match time: 4 minutes.

Women U21 (2003-2006)
-44, -48, -52, -57, -63, -70, -78, +78
Match time: 4 minutes.

Men U21 (2003-2006)
-55, -60, -66, -73, -81, -90, -100, +100
Match time: 4 minutes.

Ladies from 17 years- (2005 and earlier)
-48 kg, -52 kg, -57 kg, -63 kg, -70 kg, -78 kg, +78 kg.
Match time: 4 minutes.

Men from 17 years- (2005 and earlier)
-60 kg, -66 kg, -73 kg, -81 kg, -90 kg, -100 kg, +100 kg.
Match time: 4 minutes.

Veterans Men
M12 30-39 years -60 Kg, -66Kg, -73Kg, -81Kg, -90Kg, -100Kg, +100Kg
M34 40-49 years -60 Kg, -66Kg, -73Kg, -81Kg, -90Kg, -100Kg, +100Kg
M56 50-59 years -60 Kg, -66Kg, -73Kg, -81Kg, -90Kg, -100Kg, +100Kg
M78 60-69 years -60 Kg, -66Kg, -73Kg, -81Kg, -90Kg, -100Kg, +100Kg

Veterans Women
F12 30-39 years -48 Kg, -52 Kg, -57 Kg, -63 Kg, -70 Kg, -78 Kg, +78 Kg
F34 40-49 years -48 Kg, -52 Kg, -57 Kg, - 63 Kg, -70 Kg, -78 Kg, +78 Kg
F56 50-59 years -48 Kg, -52 Kg, -57 Kg, -63 Kg, -70 Kg, -78 Kg, +78 Kg

Competition rules
According to the IJF's competition rules and the SJF's competition regulations. Insurance for Swedish clubs through SJF. The organizer reserves the right to combine classes if necessary. Belt requirements 4k all categories. Maximum 320 starts.

Duplication and exemptions
Last year U13 may compete in U15, last year U15 in U18 and U18 in U21 + senior and U21 in senior - without exemption. Others who want to duplicate must apply for an exemption according to TB. Competitors who double are not entitled to a rest period if the categories clash. Foreign participants apply for a dispensation directly from the competition management. 

If you have any questions, contact Competition Director, Peter Ivarsson +46 70-533 77 18 or Smoothcomp, Nils Neubert +46 79-077 66 19.

E-mail: [email protected]

More information www.ojk.nu 






  • Damer Veteran 300 SEK
    Damer Veteran
  • Herrar Veteran 300 SEK
    Herrar Veteran
  • Damer 300 SEK
  • Herrar 300 SEK
  • DU21 300 SEK
    Damer U21
  • HU21 300 SEK
    Herrar U21
  • FU18 300 SEK
    Flickor U18
  • PU18 300 SEK
    Pojkar U18
  • FU15 300 SEK
    Flickor U15
  • PU15 300 SEK
    Pojkar U15
  • Utvecklingsläger U15-U18 0 SEK

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