Transport service

We are preparing a transport service to and from Arlanda airport.

a round trip Arlanda-Lindesberg cot is 65€ per person for the round trip.

It about a 2,5 hour bus drive.

Please contact [email protected] before booking flights!

We will have people on Arlanda to help find the transport.

And if you know now that you will need transport let us know so we can plan this as easy as possible for you and your athletes 

Try to book flights to arrive in the afternoon on the arrival day and late on the departure day on Sunday.


  • Competition All Levels 350 SEK
    Tävling och läger/For judokas competing and training camp
  • Competition Downs Syndrome 0 SEK
    Tävling och läger/For judokas competing and training camp
  • Competition VI 350 SEK
    Synskadade/Visually Impaired
